Sudoku Java project - Part 3
Special Classes of Java
Java applets were programs that were embedded in other applications, typically in a Web page displayed in a web browser. The Java applet API is now deprecated since Java 8 in 2017.
Java servlet technology provides Web developers with a simple, consistent mechanism for extending the functionality of a Web server and for accessing existing business systems. Servlets are server-side Java EE components that generate responses (typically HTML pages) to requests (typically HTTP requests) from clients. The Java servlet API has to some extent been superseded by two standard Java technologies for web services:
• the Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS 2.0) useful for AJAX, JSON and REST services, and
• the Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) useful for SOAP Web Services.
Java Server Pages
Java Server Pages (JSP) are server-side Java EE components that generate responses, typically HTML pages, to HTTP requests from clients. JSPs embed Java code in an HTML page by using the special delimiters <% and %>. A JSP is compiled to a Java servlet, a Java application in its own right, the first time it is accessed. After that, the generated servlet creates the response.
Swing application
Swing is a graphical user interface library for the Java SE platform. It is possible to specify a different look and feel through the pluggable look and feel system of Swing. Clones of Windows, GTK+, and Motif are supplied by Sun. Apple also provides an Aqua look and feel for macOS. Where prior implementations of these looks and feels may have been considered lacking, Swing in Java SE 6 addresses this problem by using more native GUI widget drawing routines of the underlying platforms.
JavaFX application
JavaFX is a software platform for creating and delivering desktop applications, as well as rich Internet applications (RIAs) that can run across a wide variety of devices. JavaFX is intended to replace Swing as the standard GUI library for Java SE, but both will be included for the foreseeable future. JavaFX has support for desktop computers and web browsers on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and macOS. JavaFX does not have support for native OS look and feels.
In 2004, generics were added to the Java language, as part of J2SE 5.0. Prior to the introduction of generics, each variable declaration had to be of a specific type. For container classes, for example, this is a problem because there is no easy way to create a container that accepts only specific types of objects. Either the container operates on all subtypes of a class or interface, usually Object, or a different container class has to be created for each contained class. Generics allow compile-time type checking without having to create many container classes, each containing almost identical code. In addition to enabling more efficient code, certain runtime exceptions are prevented from occurring, by issuing compile-time errors. If Java prevented all runtime type errors (ClassCastExceptions) from occurring, it would be type safe.
Class Libraries
The Java Class Library is the standard library, developed to support application development in Java. It is controlled by Oracle in cooperation with others through the Java Community Process program. Companies or individuals participating in this process can influence the design and development of the APIs. This process has been a subject of controversy during the 2010s. The class library contains features such as:
• The core libraries, which include:
o Networking
o Reflection
o Concurrency
o Generics
o Scripting/Compiler
o Functional programming (Lambda, Streaming)
o Collection libraries that implement data structures such as lists, dictionaries, trees, sets, queues and double-ended queue, or stacks XML Processing (Parsing, Transforming, Validating) libraries o Security o Internationalization and localization libraries
• The integration libraries, which allow the application writer to communicate with external systems. These libraries include:
o The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API for database access
o Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) for lookup and discovery
o RMI and CORBA for distributed application development
o JMX for managing and monitoring applications
• User interface libraries, which include:
o The (heavyweight, or native) Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), which provides GUI components, the means for laying out those components and the means for handling events from those components o The (lightweight) Swing libraries, which are built on AWT but provide (non-native) implementations of the AWT widgetry
o APIs for audio capture, processing, and playback
o JavaFX
• A platform dependent implementation of the Java virtual machine that is the means by which the byte codes of the Java libraries and third party applications are executed
• Plugins, which enable applets to be run in web browsers
• Java Web Start, which allows Java applications to be efficiently distributed to end users across the Internet
• Licensing and documentation
NetBeans is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Java. NetBeans allows applications to be developed from a set of modular software components called modules. NetBeans runs on Windows, macOS, Linux and Solaris. In addition to Java development, it has extensions for other languages like PHP, C, C++, HTML5, and JavaScript. Applications based on NetBeans, including the NetBeans IDE, can be extended by third party developers.
NetBeans Platform
The NetBeans Platform is a framework for simplifying the development of Swing desktop applications. The NetBeans IDE bundle for Java SE contains what is needed to start developing NetBeans plugins and NetBeans Platform based applications; no additional SDK is required. Applications can install modules dynamically. Any application can include the Update Center module to allow users of the application to download digitally signed upgrades and new features directly into the running application. Reinstalling an upgrade or a new release does not force users to download the entire application again.
The platform offers reusable services common to desktop applications, allowing developers to focus on the logic specific to their application. Among the features of the platform are:
• User interface management (e.g. menus and toolbars)
• User settings management
• Storage management (carries out efficient storage)
• Window management
• Wizard framework (supports step-by-step dialogs)
• NetBeans Visual Library • Integrated development tools
• Netbeans IDE(software)
• Computer/Laptop
Windows platform:-
• Windows 7/8/9
PROCESSOR: 32 BIT, Pentium – IV
RAM : 1 GB
2.4 GHz or higher CPU, 1024 MB or more RAM, 1280x1024 display, 7200 RPM or higher hard disk
Software requirement:
• Java
• Netbeans IDE->Netbeans IDE and IDE tools.
• Netbeans IDE(software)
• Computer/Laptop
Windows platform:-
• Windows 7/8/9
PROCESSOR: 32 BIT, Pentium – IV
RAM : 1 GB
2.4 GHz or higher CPU, 1024 MB or more RAM, 1280x1024 display, 7200 RPM or higher hard disk
Software requirement:
• Java
• Netbeans IDE->Netbeans IDE and IDE tools.